Digiduck: An educational, e-safety story app for 3-7 years

Working with Childnet, we’ve turned their charming storybook into a tablet app that parents and children can enjoy together. Like the book, the story app follows Digiduck and his pals in a story of friendship and responsibility online.

The story has been created to help parents teach children aged 3-7 years of age how to be a good friend online. It’s a great way to start the conversation about what they should expect from the online world and how to stay safe.

Narrators of the story, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and her mum Janet Ellis really bring the story to life and help young children think about how to be a good friend online.

Digiduck is no longer available on tablet. See resource here.

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More to Explore

If you’d like to learn more about e-safety issues and online friendship relevant to your child’s age, see:

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