Internet Matters

Radicalisation facts & advice

Get expert tips to support children.

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What’s inside the hub

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Learn about radicalisation

Understand its online risks online to offer the right support for your child’s mental health and wellbeing.

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Protect children from radicalisation

Give children the right tools to challenge extremism online and build their digital resilience.

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Dealing with radicalisation

Learn strategies of how to address radicalisation and where to seek help if you are concerned.

A laptop with a video to represent resources for tackling misinformation.

Radicalisation resources

See a list of organisations that can support you and your child.

A teacher helps a student on a laptop.

Q&A on help in schools

Expert guidance for how schools can combat extremism.

Educate against hate guide

Educate Against Hate

A guide to help parents discuss radicalisation and extremism with young people.

Protecting children from radicalisation and extremism

There’s a chance that your child may meet people online or visit websites that could lead them to adopting extreme views or experiencing radicalisation.

Curiosity could lead your child to seek out these people, or they could groom your child. They could then encourage your child to adopt beliefs or persuade them to join groups with extreme views and actions.

To protect your child from radicalisation or to learn how young people might be targeted, navigate our advice hub. Explore expert tips on how to prevent radicalisation and where you can go for further support.

Watch parent’s story about her son

Christine Boudreau shares her story about her son who was killed while fighting for ISIS

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Recommended resources

Featured radicalisation articles