Internet Matters

Online safety for early years (under 5)

Guidance for parents and carers

More and more children in early years have their own tablets or borrow their parents’ devices to play games, use apps and watch their favourite TV shows. See advice on simple things you can do to make sure they’re staying safe online.

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Internet safety checklist
Supporting pre-schoolers online

Use these practical tips to help pre-schoolers have safer online experiences and develop their digital resilience.

Talk to your child about what the internet is and explore it together so you can show them all the great fun and educational things they can do. Reassure them that if they see anything upsetting, they should come and talk to you.

Keep devices out of reach and set passwords on all your devices and don’t share them. Then you’ll know when and where your child is accessing the internet. Also, use passwords to make sure they’re not making additional purchases when they’re playing games or using apps.

Encourage them to use devices in the same room as you so you can keep and an eye on how they’re using the internet. Stay inquisitive about what they are doing and encourage them to share their enjoyment with you.

Choose safe, fun and educational sites and apps for your child. Use age ratings in the app stores to check suitability. Make use of video, learning and gaming platforms and services designed with children in mind like YouTube Kids, Sky Kids, BBC iPlayerKids, and Nick Jr. See our Top kids TV apps for safer viewing for more advice.

Activate parental controls on your home broadband. Most Internet-enabled devices also offer parental controls. For example, Microsoft Windows, Apple iOS, and Google’s Android all offer ways to control the apps and sites your child can visit. These controls can also keep them from seeing inappropriate videos and other content.

It’s never too early to start setting boundaries. Set some rules about how they use connected technology, including which apps and sites they can use and how long they can spend on them. We’ve created a family agreement template that you can use to get started.

More on this page

What do pre-schoolers do online?

Research shows that pre-schoolers like to watch videos, on both Youtube and movie & tv streaming services.

Most popular platforms

The following platforms are most popular among children aged 0-5. Make sure to set the apps your child uses for safety with the guides below.

Pre-school guide for parents

Download or print this guide to help keep your pre-schooler safe online.

Supporting age guides

Explore a range of age guides across online issues to help support your pre-schooler.

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A family sits on their sofa, holding various devices and a dog sitting at their feet

Get personalised advice

The first step to ensure your child’s online safety is getting the right guidance. We’ve made it easy with our ‘My Family’s Digital Toolkit.’