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What is Times Tables Rock Stars? What parents need to know

Times Tables Rock Stars is an educational programme that takes a gamified approach to teaching kids maths.

Times Tables Rock Stars logo

What is Times Tables Rock Stars?

Times Tables Rock Stars is an educational game that helps children build their multiplication skills through engaging maths-based games. The game is used by more than 17,000 schools around the world. Parents can also buy a subscription for their kids to use at home to help them get better at math.

The app is available on iOS and Android and can also be used inside a browser. A subscription for families starts at £9/year for 3 child accounts, with each additional account costing an extra £3/year.

Times Tables Rock Stars is intended for children aged 6 and up.

How it works

Times Tables Rock Stars aims to make learning maths fun by using a rock and roll theme and testing children through a range of question-based games. Children get to create their own rock star avatar and then upgrade this avatar using coins, which can be earned by completing games.

There are various game modes that children can play to earn rewards and improve their skills. These include:

  • Studio Mode – A timed mode that helps children answer questions quickly
  • Soundcheck – Children are given 6 seconds to answer each question
  • Arena – Children race against classmates to answer questions in a live game
  • Festival – Children compete against other players around the world. Their rock username is used while playing, to protect their true identity.

If your child uses Times Tables Rockstars with their school, they can have a leaderboard with their classmates. Completing games and earning coins will help a child move up the leaderboard, and this competition with classmates could encourage them to consistently use the app.

The gamification of the app and the ability to customise your avatar by earning rewards is another reason children will be more likely to regularly use Times Tables Rock Stars.

Consistent use of Times Tables Rock Stars can improve your child’s multiplication skills, their confidence with maths and also build their memory. This is why it is used by schools, and why it is good if your child is encouraged to complete games on a daily basis.

Times Tables Rock Stars Parental Controls

Times Tables Rock Stars has some controls parents can set. These features focus on ease of use. For example, users can change the font size and color scheme to help children with visual impairments. The timer can also be hidden for anxious children.

To set further controls on Times Tables Rock Stars, such as screen time limits, you should use the settings on the device. In these settings, you can set time limits on daily app usage to prevent excessive time spent on the app.

Explore step-by-step parental controls for the devices your child uses.

Benefits of Times Tables Rock Stars

  • Educational, improves children’s maths skills
  • Gamified design keeps kids engaged
  • Competition with other students can also motivate
  • School might pay for it, relatively cheap if not
  • Available on all major devices

What to watch out for

Times Tables Rock Stars is generally a safe and educational app for children to use. However, due to its gamified nature it does still carry many of the risks that come with all games.

Having a leaderboard with classmates or competing with other players online can be motivating for children, but it can also cause frustration if they lose. Understanding why they feel this frustration is important and can help you support them in managing their emotions in future.

Playing the games could also cause an increase in your child’s screen time, due to them enjoying the games or wanting to increase their score on the leaderboard. As previously mentioned, setting parental controls on your child’s device to limit the time they are allowed on the app could help prevent excessive screen time. Visiting our screen time advice hub can help you understand your child’s screen use. It can also assist you in creating a balanced digital diet for them.

When competing in Festival mode against players from around the world, your child’s username will be visible to the other users. Ensure that they do not overshare and choose a username that protects their anonymity. 

Despite these risks, Times Tables Rock Stars is still a great app for building your child’s maths skills.