Are you ready for social media?

Advice for young people

You will find a range of questions to get you thinking about whether you are ready to connect with others online and top tips to support you.

girl holding a phone surrounded by padlock and speech marks

Are you ready for social media?

What you will learn

The checklist and tips below will help you

Think about why you want a social media account

Decide if you are ready to deal with the hard stuff that comes with the fun of it

There are 4 things to think about

Setting up

Your feelings

Why do you want a social media account?

Are ready to deal with the hard stuff that comes with the fun of it?

So, have a go at answering these questions:

1. Can I manage my privacy online?

Yes or No?

2. Can I agree a plan with my family and stick to it?

Yes or No?

3. Can I get help to set up my profile safely and who can help?

Yes or No?

You need to be able to say ‘yes’ to all of these. For help setting up your social media account, go to Do the basics and for ideas for a Family Agreement.

Have you also done some talking with your parent and carer about:

4. How would I feel if someone was nasty to me on social media?

Yes or No?

5. How would I feel if I saw something shocking or cruel on social media?

Yes or No?

6. How will I manage my own behaviour with other people online?

Yes or No?

If you said ‘Yes’ to questions about setting up (questions 1-3) and you have talked through with a parent or carer how you will handle your own behaviour and you feel you could handle what other people do (questions 4-6) make sure you know who you would go to for help if anything upset you and you are now ready for social media.

7. I know who I would go to for help if something happened that upset me.

Yes or No?

It makes us all feel good if people like what we post on social media, but it can make us feel sad if other people are mean or we don’t get likes.

We might see things that upset us or feel shocked by what we see. You need to be prepared for this and feel you are ready to handle it. Finally, make sure you know where to get help if you need it.

If you already have a social media account:

Has this happened to you?

1. Some people send scary stuff or make threats

Yes or No?

2. Some people are mean to me

Yes or No?

3. I’ve added friends I don’t know

Yes or No?

If you said yes to any of these 3 questions maybe you need to think about the suggestions in Do the basics.

5 quick tips when creating  a social media account