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My Family's Digital Toolkit

There are 7 questions

It takes approx. 8 minutes

Get personalised online safety advice, giving you everything you need to keep your child safe.

Get your personalised toolkit

There are 7 questions

It takes approx. 8 minutes

How we use your data
A family sitting on a sofa holding their devices

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We use your details to give you an online safety resource pack tailored to the needs of your children. Read our privacy policy for more information on how we use your data.

My Family's

How we use the information you provide

About my children

Question 1 / 7

How many children would you like online safety advice for?


This information will tell us how many children you'd like us to give you online safety advice to support.

Please select their ages

About my children

Question 2 of 7

How old are they?

Child 1
(Add nickname)
Nickname can't be longer than 7 characters

Please choose the ages of your children so we can provide age-specific resources in your toolkit.

Need help?

About my children

Question 3 of 7

Do any of the following apply to your child(ren)?

The information you provide here will help us provide tailored online safety resources to support your family.

Need help?

Supporting activities online

Question 4 of 7

What do they mostly do online?

Please select all that apply.

Select the activities that apply to your child to get advice on risks, benefits and how to do them safely.

Need help?

App and platform safety

Question 5 of 7

Choose the apps and platforms they use to get safety tips to support your child.

Select the apps and platform that you would like to learn more about. You'll get advice on what to watch out for and how to make use of parental controls and privacy settings on each platform.

Need help?

Tackling online issues

Question 6 of 7

Choose options from the list to get tips and tools to protect your child.

Choose the online issues that you need support on to manage your child's wellbeing online.

Need help?


Question 7 of 7

Pick topics you want to chat with your child about to get interactive resources.

Tell us what activities you'd like to get more information on to support your child's development.

A father and his son smiling while looking at a laptop screen

What’s inside the toolkit

  • Get age-specific advice and tips to support your children online
  • Learn about popular apps and platforms your children use
  • Get information about how to deal with any online safety concerns
  • Get recommendations for digital tools to support their interests and wellbeing

What information do we ask and why?

About my children

To provide age-appropriate resources we'll ask you to enter the ages of the children you would like to support online.

You'll be able to complete the form for one or more children to get bespoke advice.

How we use your data
The information you provide in this form will be used to create a personalised resource pack to support your child online. For details on how we handle your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Supporting activities online

From gaming to socialising online, you'll have an opportunity to tell us more about the online activities your children do to get practical tips to keep them safe.

Apps and platform safety

Get the latest safety information on the apps and platform your children use to help them stay in control of their experience in their digital spaces.

For example, advice on how to help them game safely or set controls on apps like TikTok or YouTube Kids.

Tackling online issues

If you're worried about different online issues that might affect your children, you can choose them here, and we'll give you lots of helpful bite-size resources to support them.

Recommended tools

Our research found that regularly talking with your children about their online lives can really boost their digital wellbeing.

To support these talks, we'll ask if you want access to interactive tools that can help your children grow and learn using technology.

Stay informed with personalised online safety updates

In addition to the personalised resource pack, you can subscribe to receive regular online safety updates.

Get your toolkit to start building a safer digital environment for your family today or share it with yourself to do it later.