Digital Matters Support

Find support for your issue below. If you can’t find a solution here, please submit a report instead. Be sure to include your email in your submission if you’d like a response.

I need help verifying my account

After you sign up to Digital Matters, you will receive a verification email.

Note: We are aware of issues with confirmation links. If you do not receive an active link, please contact [email protected].

Check the email you registered with. If you do not see an email, be sure to check your junk or spam folders as well.

If your verification email link is expired, please reset your password to trigger a new one. For additional assistance, contact [email protected].

I can’t access the teacher materials

To access the lesson materials:

  1. Sign up or login to your teacher account.
  2. From the home page, click START NOW. Select ‘Begin’ next to the Teacher option.
  3. Choose the topic and then lesson that you’d like materials for.
  4. To the left of the Interactive Learning option, you should see an option to download the teacher’s lesson pack.


If the option does not appear:

  • Refresh your browser by holding down CTRL + Shift + R.


If that doesn’t work:

  • Clear your browser’s cookies and browsing data. To do this, access your browser’s settings.


If neither of the above work, please submit a report here.

I’m experiencing a glitch

If you experience a glitch such as a button not working or content not showing up properly:

  • Refresh your browser by holding down CTRL + Shift + R.


If that doesn’t work:

  • Clear your browser’s cookies and browsing data. To do this, access your browser’s settings.


If neither of the above work, please submit a report here. Please tell us what the issue is, for which lesson it happened and when it happened. If you’d like a response, please include your email in the report.

I have another issue

For all other issues, please submit a report here.

Please be detailed about where the issue occurs (and with which lesson if relevant). If you’d like a response, remember to include your email.

I have a question

For all questions unrelated to platform issues, please contact [email protected].