Anti-Bullying Week 2020: United Against Bullying

Anti-Bullying Week 2020: United Against Bullying - Official Primary School Film

As a member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, we are proud to support Anti-Bullying Week (16th – 20th November) this year to focus on the important things we all can do to stand united against bullying.



Coordinated by the Anti-bullying Alliance, this years’ theme is United Against Bullying. The ABA said: “bullying has a long-lasting effect on those who experience and witness it….From parents and carers to teachers and politicians, to children and young people, we all have a part to play in coming together to make a difference”.

For parents and carers, it is natural to worry about children being bullied, especially if you have experiences of bullying or particularly if a child is more vulnerable to bullying.
Bullying can come in many forms, such as cyberbullying, trolling, online hate and can be disguised as not being as obvious, so it’s important to know the signs, know where to go if your child is being bullied or is the perpetrator and also have regular conversations with them about what is and is not acceptable behaviour.

Whether you’re a teacher, parent or carer, there are great ways you can get involved and show your support, take a look below.

Bullying Resources

Learn how cyberbullying can impact a child with additional learning needs and ways to support them if they are affected by cyberbullying.

To help you support your child on this issue we’ve created a hub of advice to prepare them for what they might encounter online and practical ways to tackle cyberbullying should it happen.

Expert tips to help you talk about cyberbullying with your child. Select an age from the list to see the appropriate advice.

More Bullying Resources

Tackling Online Hate & Trolling

How to tackle hate online and online trolls with our useful advice guide and learn what online hate is.

CSO: Tackling Online Extremism & Hate Speech

Learn how to help your child tackle online extremism and hate speech.

Instagram: Combatting Cyberbullying

Instagram has three features that mark the continuation of their effort to lead the industry in the fight against cyberbullying.

Watch: A Mum Shares Her Experience on Cyberbullying

Natalie shares the moments when she found out that her child was a cyberbully and how she helps to support her daughter through the experience.

See What Our Partners Are Doing for Anti-Bullying Week

Explore the BBC Teach collection of teaching resources for primary and secondary schools designed to complement your Anti-Bullying Week programmes.

Sky are supporting secondary teachers in talking with young people (aged 11-16) about bullying and diversity.

Who is the Anti-Bullying Alliance?

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a unique coalition of organisations and individuals, who work together to stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. They are hosted by the National Children’s Bureau and is part of the NCB Education and Equalities Team.

Anti-Bullying Week 2020: United Against Bullying – Official Secondary School Film

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