Types of hidden content
Baking videos
Misleading content like cake stories are most often seen in videos about baking. The videos usually feature sped up how-to style content like baking and decorating cookies, cakes and other baked goods. If your child watches the videos with headphones, you might think the audio is simply music or instructions for how to bake.
Many channels on YouTube feature this kind of content with clear names like Sweet Storytime and Cake Story. However, other channel names like cake 4 u are less clear.
Beauty tutorials
Hidden content isn’t limited to baking tutorials. It is sometimes seen in beauty tutorials as well. Sometimes the creator will lip sync to another video’s story or, like the baking videos and cake stories, it will be a simple voiceover. These voiceovers may not come from the creator themselves.
Video games
Especially popular on TikTok, #storytime yields several video gaming results. These videos tend to look like standard playthrough videos of games like Roblox or Minecraft but often also have captions. Some titles may suggest what’s in the video narration, but not all.
Animated stories
These videos often feature a split screen. Half of the screen might feature a video game clip or something similar while the other half has an animated version of the story being narrated. While these stories are more visual, parents may still miss inappropriate content hidden within the animation.