Internet Matters

Press releases

Read our latest press releases to learn more about our latest research and awareness campaigns to help parents support their children in the digital world.

A boy sits on the floor using his smartphone near his parents.

Children experiencing harm online in the UK remains ‘stubbornly high’

Our annual “Children’s Wellbeing in a Digital World Index” reveals there has been no reduction in children’s experiences of harm online.

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Meet our expert panel

Our experts offer advice, information and guidance on a range of online safety issues. Learn more about their expertise.

Have you talked to your child about AI?

Explore news & opinions hub

Navigate our hub to find articles and insights from parents and professionals to support children online.

Supporting girls impacted by misogyny online

Dad, Barney, shares his daughter's experience with misogyny online. See what he does to support his teen to deal with the hate she sees in online football communities.

One mum's online money management tips to support kids

This mum shares her experience of helping her children manage money online. From setting budgets online to linking parent and child accounts, she shares her tips on supporting her children's financial literacy.

How do you talk about pornography?

It can feel awkward for both parent and child to talk about something like pornography. In this video, find advice about approaching those tough conversations.
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Explore our top resources to support children’s online experiences and see how you can support our work.

Guides & resources

Our experts offer advice, information and guidance on a range of online safety issues. Learn more about their expertise.

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A family sits on their sofa, holding various devices and a dog sitting at their feet

Get personalised advice and ongoing support

The first step to ensure your child’s online safety is getting the right guidance. We’ve made it easy with our ‘My Family’s Digital Toolkit.’