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About the Inclusive Digital Safety Hub

25th September 2020 by Internet Matters Team
Visit the joint initiative between SWGfL & Internet Matters, providing online safety advice for parents & professionals supporting children's digital lives.

Help care experienced children connect and share safely online

14th September 2020 by Internet Matters Team
As part of the Inclusive Digital Safety hub, find advice on how to safeguard care-experienced children and young people as they connect and share online.

Instagram Reels – A parents’ guide to the new video sharing feature

Internet Matters
17th August 2020 by Internet Matters Team
Instagram has rolled out a new feature allowing users to record and share 15-second videos on Instagram, similar to features on the popular app TikTok.
Parent stories

Tech and online safety during lockdown by Adele Jennings

Internet Matters
11th May 2020 by Adele Jennings
Parent and Internet Matters blogger Adele Jennings, shares her experience of how her two children are spending their time online and also shares her thoughts about online safety for children.

Setting up the appropriate safety settings on social media

Internet Matters
16th April 2020 by Internet Matters Team
Here are some basic rules to follow when reviewing privacy settings on social media platforms to support young people.
Parent stories

10 surefire tips to reduce stress during lockdown from other parents

Internet Matters
3rd April 2020 by Internet Matters Team
Family life can be stressful at the best of times so, we asked some of the UK’s top parenting bloggers to share their top tips for reducing stress.

DfE guidance for schools – what does this mean for children at home?

Internet Matters
30th March 2020 by Karl Hopwood
Online safety expert Karl Hopwood shares insights on the impact of school closures on the use of tech and the new DfE guidance on children.

New Ofcom Report Suggests Parents’ Rising Concern Over Children Online

Internet Matters, Ofcom
4th February 2020 by Internet Matters Team
Ofcom Report on Parents’ Concern over Children Online | Internet Matters. More parents than ever feel children’s online use now carries more risks.

Safer Internet Day

12th January 2020 by Internet Matters Team
Find the advice and resources you need for Safer Internet Day this year. These will equip you to help children be savvier about what they trust online.

What is Fortnite Chapter 2?

Internet Matters
23rd December 2019 by Internet Matters Team
Fortnite is the game of the moment right now. Chapter 2 of Fortnite: Battle Royale was rolled out in October 2019 and with over 250 million Fortnite players in total, it’s safe to say it’s a very popular game amongst young people and children.

Setting up your child’s new smartphone

Internet Matters
19th December 2019 by Internet Matters Team
Whether you are gifting your child a new phone or setting up their first, it’s important to consider setting controls on their device.
Apps & Platforms

Episode Game App – What parents need to know

Internet Matters
9th December 2019 by Internet Matters Team
Episode has become an increasingly popular online game with young people and children.
Parent stories

Online hate and trolling – a parent’s story

Internet Matters
12th November 2019 by Internet Matters Team
Mum Beth shares her family's personal experience with online hate to help other parents support their children on this issue.

Social networking and messaging apps

25th September 2019 by Internet Matters Team
Learn about the lastest social networking and messaging apps children are using and what risks they may expose children and young people too.


21st June 2019 by Internet Matters Team
This is Internet Matters' sitemap page where you can see how the content is structred and find what you need.
Parent stories

Mum shares her experience of protecting digitally savvy pre-teen from inappropriate content

3rd June 2019 by Internet Matters Team
Beth shares how she helps her digitally-savvy 10-year old navigate the risks of seeing inappropriate content through the platforms he uses.