Sky Broadband Shield

Controls & Settings guide

Sky Broadband Shield is a free online protection tool designed by Sky to help make the internet a safer place for your whole family and offers malware protection and parental control settings to restrict content during certain times. It is set up for anyone using your broadband connection whether they’re on their iPhone or Android device or using a laptop or tablet.

sky shield broadband logo

What do I need?

A Sky ID (Username and Password) - If you haven’t signed up, you will need a contact email address and your Sky account number or your account direct debit details.

Restrictions you can apply

icon Drugs & Criminal Skills
icon File Sharing & Hacking
icon Inappropriate content
icon Online games
icon Phishing & Malware Infected Sites
icon Pornography & Adult
icon Privacy and identity theft
icon Social networking
icon Weapons & Violence, Gore & Hate

Step by Step instructions

Sky Broadband Shield is automatically active but you can customise access to content and more. However, it does not allow you to set screen time limits, so be sure to set this in the apps and platforms they use.


How to get started
Choose when Sky Broadband Shield should be active
How to choose what you want a specific age group to see
How to manage exceptions
How to disable Shield


How to get started

Step 1 – Go to, log into your account using your Sky ID (username) and password.

Step 2 – Get to your Broadband Shield settings by going to My Account. Next, click the Broadband & Talk option.

Step 3 – Scroll down and click on the Broadband Shield option.

Here you will see the settings to apply for each Custom, PG, 13, Adults and you can also Disable Shield.


Choose when Sky Broadband Shield should be active

Scroll down until you reach this section then choose whether you want the Shield to be ‘Always active’ or you can choose to set it at certain times of the day.

Please note, when the Broadband shield is inactive, you’ll see sites suitable for adults but will still be protected from phishing and malware sites.


How to choose what you want a specific age group to see

Choose whichever category you want to restrict and click Save settings.

You can select more than one category.

Please note: Some categories are automatically blocked for the PG and 13 age groups, but you can manage exceptions.


How to manage exceptions

You can allow or block a site your child visits.

To block a website:

Under your chosen age category, click Manage exceptions, enter the website you want to block then click Block website and click Save settings.

To allow a website:

Enter the website you want to allow then click Allow website and click Save settings.


How to disable Shield

Click the Disabled Shield option, then click save settings.

Please note: You can disable the Broadband Shield, however, you won’t be protected from sites that try to fraudulently obtain your personal info or access your account without permission.

Choose 18 and Sky will block harmful phishing and malware sites but you will see everything else.
