Internet Matters

Anonymous apps guide

Tips for parents and carers

Anonymous apps can expose young people to grooming and issues of cyberbullying. Learn what they are and how you can protect your child.

An eye with a cross through it.

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Quick tips

Follow these quick tips to help your child manage their online safety within apps.

Have conversations

Regular conversations can help you stay on top of your child's safety while learning about the apps that interest them.

Develop critical thinking

Help children make safer choices my practising critical thinking. Ask questions and use realistic scenarios to help.

Explain the risks

Discuss the potential risks associated with anonymous apps like grooming and cyberbullying along with how to get help.

What are anonymous apps?

Anonymous apps let users share and interact with each other without revealing who they are. Unlike social media sites, many of these apps encourage users to stay anonymous and chat to each other or post questions and answers on a range of topics.

Although anything shared on these apps is anonymous, it’s important to note that anonymity is not guaranteed as certain types of information like an IP address or cookies can be used to identify who you are. Also, some apps sync to a users contact list or location to provide a personalised experience on the platform

Why young people use them

The ability to stay anonymous while asking sensitive or embarrassing questions might appeal to young people.

Additionally, these apps remove the anxiety of presenting your ‘best-self’ online. As such, anonymous apps allow teens take on different personas and explore different ideas without fear of repercussions.

Risks of anonymous apps

Anonymous apps can expose children to a range of online risks, including inappropriate content, cyberbullying and sexting.

Under the cover of anonymity, people may feel less accountable for what they say and may share things that they would not on open social platforms.

By the very nature of these apps, keeping teens safe becomes that much more of a challenge, so having regular conversations about the subject is key. Make it a habit to talk about which apps they are using and any associated risks.

Top tips to support your child

Review apps on their devices

Check age ratings of any apps you’re not familiar with. It’s a good idea to use app store settings to only show age-appropriate apps. Also, review the privacy settings on these apps to make sure they are in control of how their information is used, who can see their account and what they share.

Set rules around apps use

Children seek out norms to follow so it’s important to sit together and set some boundaries on the types of apps they can and can’t download. This will help them understand your concerns and why it is beneficial for them to use certain apps and not others.

Help them think before they post

Although anonymous apps may hide your identity to some extent there are certain pieces of information that can identify you like an IP address so it’s important to advise children not to say or share something they wouldn’t want to be shared publicly.

Explain the risks

Help your child to understand the impact these anonymous apps can have on their digital wellbeing, and that what they say online to another person can have real-life consequences. Ensure they are aware of community guidelines and reporting functions on the app to flag anything that upsets them.

Talk about their app usage

It’s important to know what your children are doing on their devices, so speak to your child regularly about which apps their using and who they are speaking to.

Show support

If your child is being cyberbullied then be calm and considered, listen to their concerns and offer your parental support. Don’t deal with it alone, talk to friends and if necessary your child’s school who will have an anti-bullying policy.

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